Country Landscapes Qualified Greenkeepers in Bolton, Bury and Rossendale
Country Landscapes groundsmen and greenkeepers have a wealth of local authority and private sector experience having maintained beautiful bowling greens and fine turf in Bolton, Bury and Rossendale for over 20 years since 1991
Quality facilities attract members! Whether you have a croquet lawn or cricket pitch, our groundmen and greenkeepers are trained, qualified and individually have decades of experience in providing professional green keeping services to sports grounds and social clubs, parks self managed greens and bowling clubs.
Why risk having an unqualified person look after your grounds? Undertaking certain tasks, including spraying, legally require a Certificated Operator who will do the task more safely. Are you confident your club meets the requirements?
Cost Effective & Worry Free Service
SAVE - We'll save you money on your employee overheads and holiday pay accruals
Competitive - better value service from qualified staff
Institute of Groundsmanship IOG member
Better Quality Service & Products
Use of the finest selected turf and grass seed available
professional products including controlled release fertiliser effective for weeks.
In-house mechanic for regular tuning of machinery to ensure optimum cut
Quality greenkeeping takes more than green fingers. Why settle for less - ring Country Landscapes. Contact Us Below For A No Obligation Quotation