Environmental Policy & Environmental Management System (EMS)
Country Landscapes recognises that all activities, products and services can have an adverse impact on the environment.
Wherever practicable we will seek to eliminate or minimize these impacts. We will comply with all environmental legislation and regulations in so far as they apply to our business activities.
Our Environmental Management System (EMS) is based upon the requirements of the international environmental management standards 14001 and the principle of continual improvement. We use the four-step cycle made famous by Deming: Plan, Do, Check, Act. This framework helps to cut through the complexities and provides a simple methodology for energy management and continual improvement on sustainability issues.
Set out below are the main benefits
demonstration of legal and regulatory compliance
demonstration of our commitment to the environment
demonstration of an innovative and forward thinking approach
increased access to new customers and business partners
better management of environmental risks, now and in the future
potential reduced public liability insurance costs
cost savings
Environmental Policy Statement
This policy statement is available to the public who may access it by visiting the Company premises or accessing the Company web
As part of our Environmental Management System we will strive
Minimize the impact of new developments through the use of integrated management procedures and planning
Where possible, influence customers so as to minimize the environmental impacts in provision of our services and products.
Prevent pollution, reduce waste and the consumption of resources, and commit to recovery and recycling, as opposed to
disposal where feasible
Provide all staff with appropriate education and training
Embody life cycle thinking
Network and share best practices and environmental
experience with interested parties
Work towards sustainable development
Encourage the use of EMS by suppliers and sub-contractors
Assist, wherever possible, in environmental initiatives
Support local suppliers and minimise environmental impact through the supply chain
Procure from renewable and sustainable resources
In working towards the achievement of its environmental
objectives, Country Landscapes Ltd. will:
Develop internal awareness of its environmental policies, targets and programmes in order to build environmental
responsibility into all aspects of its operations
Encourage and support employee initiatives that contribute to an improved environment – at work, at home and in
the local community
Develop links with relevant industrial, professional, community and education groups, keeping them informed of our
environmental interests and activities
Work with suppliers and contractors to ensure that they provide products and services that do not transmit environmental
problems to Country Landscapes, it's staff and its customers
Develop management systems to enable environmental impacts to be identified and controlled
Compile reports of environmental performance and make them available to all interested parties
To achieve this Country Landscapes will:-
Establish and implement an improvement plan that will result in both improved environmental performance and increased customer satisfaction.
The plan will state objectives in measurable terms, with particular regard to local relevance, legislative compliance and social responsibility.
Contact Us Below For More Information