Play Area Construction In Bolton & Bury
Now's a great time to make use of our play service and enable improvements to your play area and facilities at your nursery or school!
Every child has a right to play and has varying needs and abilities. At Country Landscapes we believe a good landscape brings man and nature together.

(Mathew Moss High School Eco-Garden shown above won a Rochdale Borough in Bloom award) They have recently planted their Earth Restoration Service trees
Eco Garden / Play Area Design & Construction
We have a wealth of experience in the design and provision of play areas, eco gardens and landscapes from natural to urban landscapes.
Country Landscapes play improvement service has recently successfully helped Puddleducks Nursery in Haslingden (Rossendale) obtain over £14,000 to improve their garden and play areas.
Our aim is to provide exciting and stimulating opportunities for child development; and our play service can help you improve your school or nursery facilities by:-
Consulting with you regarding the play and development needs of your children
Helping you identify and access grant funding opportunities
Use our expert play services experience to produce a play area design and proposal to enable a successful funding application
Implement quality and long lasting play area improvements at your nursery, pre-school or school.
From outdoor classrooms and play equipment, to natural play areas, climbing boulders, vegetable and fruit and herb gardens to wildlife, aquatic and birdlife habitat enhancements.
Contact Us Below For A No Obligation Quotation